Winter by Christopher Nicholson
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Blurb: A celebrated author, in the winter of his life, awaits a visit from a beautiful young actress – the leading lady in a staging of his most famous tragedy. But his wife is troubled. An anxious and sickly woman, she watches the growing intimacy between her husband and the young woman, and becomes tormented by the idea that they will betray her. (Fourth Estate, January 2014)
Ian Sansom, The Guardian
“The book is written in a prose of such quality that one does not notice the quality – to describe it as craftsmanlike doesn’t do it justice. It is a prose beyond accomplishment, yet which refuses to astonish, and which is utterly appropriate.”
Jane Shilling, The Telegraph
“A gently elegiac tone permeates the novel, with its ravishing, appropriately Hardyesque sense of the intimate connection between landscape and emotion. It is winter in the hearts of two of his three protagonists and the dying fall of regret is everywhere, subverted only by Wessex, the Hardys’ outrageous dog, which became their lone conduit of shared emotion.”
Allan Massie, The Scotsman
“… a very fine and intelligent novel which is, among other things, a meditation on marriage, subject of so many of Hardy’s novels and much of his poetry.”
Max Liu, The Independent
“Winter never quite convinces you that this story needed to be fictionalised and the image of the elderly poet at his desk, trying to connect his emotions to the world, is a reminder that, while good writers find subjects, the great invent them.”
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