Under your Skin by Sabine Durrant
This morning, I found a body. Soon the police will arrest me for murder. And after that my life will fall apart. Gaby Mortimer is the woman who has it all. But everything changes when she finds a body on the common near her home. Because the evidence keeps leading back to her. And the police seem sure she’s guilty… (Mullholland Books, April 2013)
Alison Flood, The Observer
“Under Your Skin rapidly unravels into a maelstrom of tension and paranoia, as Durrant draws a disturbing picture of how easy it is for even the most perfect life to implode. All too quickly, there is nowhere for Gaby to turn, and she waits alone in the dark in her Wandsworth house. It’s hard to know whether to be enraged or delighted by the unexpected denouement with which Durrant wraps up her story, but if the mark of a good thriller is the compulsion to reread it immediately on finishing, to see if the clues can be spotted second time round, then Under Your Skin has it, in spades.”
Jane Housham, The Guardian
“With a restricted cast of characters and a strong line in nervy undercurrents, the relatively static story is kept tense with subtle twists and inching reveals. As a survey of the way the Wandsworth middle classes live now, with added noir, this will do nicely.”
The Guardian
“While Under Your Skin is clever and addictive, and Durrant clearly intends it to have comic aspects, its jaunty tone and zinger-laden dialogue can be tension-sapping.”
Harry Forshaw, The Daily Express
“The treatment of the psychology of the characters is straightforward not nuanced but that ensures the inexorable grip never slackens.”