The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison
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Blurb: Todd Gilbert and Jodi Brett are in a bad place in their relationship. They’ve been together for twenty-eight years, and with no children to worry about there has been little to disrupt their affluent Chicago lifestyle. But there has also been little to hold it together, and beneath the surface lie ever-widening cracks. HE is a committed cheater. SHE lives and breathes denial. HE exists in dual worlds. SHE likes to settle scores. HE decides to play for keeps. SHE has nothing left to lose. When it becomes clear that their precarious world could disintegrate at any moment, Jodi knows she stands to lose everything. It’s only now she will discover just how much she’s truly capable of… (Headline)
Michelle Davies, The Daily Express
“The gripping plot is only half the story though. What also makes The Silent Wife impossible to put down is the way it is written: the language is elegant and rich, like warm chocolate sauce slowly dripping off a spoon. The author does not waste a single word.”
David Sexton, London Evening Standard
“Almost every reviewer compared it with Gone Girl, which it does indeed resemble a little in its subject matter of toxic marriage and the his/her structure. If The Silent Wife is not quite so high concept as Gone Girl, it is more precise, plausible and unnerving and just as compelling.”
Joan Smith, The Sunday Times
“This perfectly pitched debut offers sharp insights into the grievances that accumulate over a long relationship, and the lengths to which a woman will go when her world collapses.”
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