Browsing the "David Evans" Tag

Decoded by Mai Jia

February 15th, 2014 | by The Omnivore

| Press reviews | Buy the book | Have your say | Blurb: A semi-autistic mathematical genius, Jinzhen is recruited

Lolito by Ben Brooks

September 1st, 2013 | by The Omnivore

| Press reviews | Buy the book | Have your say | Blurb: Lolito is a love story about a

Perfect by Rachel Joyce

July 1st, 2013 | by The Omnivore

| Press reviews | Buy the book | Have your say | Blurb: In 1972, two seconds were added to

Room by Emma Donoghue

August 1st, 2010 | by The Omnivore

| Press reviews | Buy the book | Have your say | Blurb: It’s Jack’s birthday, and he’s excited about

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