Omnivore Pin-up: Victoria, 24, Bermondsey
This week’s literary vixen is Victoria, a 24-year-old artist who’s a fan of Greek mythology and (graphic) graphic novels. If you’d like to ask her out to an exhibition, email quoting box no 6981.
What are you reading at the moment?
I’m just finishing The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt.
What have you just finished reading?
When the weather’s miserable I like to read a few classics, over January I read North and South and The Picture of Dorian Gray.
What will you read next?
I’m doing a painting series at the moment featuring Mythological figures, so I have been dipping in and out of different texts around the subject. I particularly like The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology by Robin Hard.
Which author do you have a crush on?
My favourite novels are the Shardlake series based in Tudor England – so writing-wise it’s C.J Sansom.
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever read?
When I was eighteen, my friend who was studying Languages bought a book in Italian to help her reading skills. It turned out to be a rather graphic erotic novel. Unfortunately, we all just found it hilarious.
Which book would you give someone you’re trying to impress?
There are some great art criticism books which make you think differently about how you experience pieces of art. I think Ways of Seeing by John Berger and The Remembered Film by Victor Burgin are both very interesting.
If you would like to ask out one of The Omnivore Pin-ups, or become a Pin-up yourself, email