Omnivore Pin-up: Sarah, 27, Barbican
Belletriste Sarah is a 27 -year-old from east London who works in film. She likes nothing better than wearing what she reads (look at the photo carefully). Ask Sarah out via quoting Box 1007.
What are you reading at the moment?
Absolute Beginners by Colin MacInnes. I caught the Bowie fever that was going around earlier this year and reading this was the result — youth culture in 1950s London, some amazing teenspeak and descriptions of the fashion parade of grimy Soho leading up to the swinging sixties. It’s ace.
What have you just finished reading?
Anna Karenina. I have finally done it. Next up, War and Peace (!) — to infinity and beyond. I loved it, and when I started reading it (yes it took that long), the weather was fittingly cold and I could dress appropriately. Fur hats and velvet; it definitely helps to dress as one reads, I find. Not so applicable to … err … The Handmaid’s Tale or American Psycho.
What will you read next?
Lunar Park — Bret Easton Ellis. Or maybe finish off the John Updikes’ Rabbit series. I love American fiction and I haven’t been over there for a while.
Which author do you have a crush on?
Bram Stoker. Or maybe I just like Vampires, oh jeez ok, Stephenie Meyer. I actually would love something to “crush on” top of her. Maybe an anvil.
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever read?
It has got to be Riders by Jilly Cooper, aged about 12. For a girl who liked riding and loved horses, this book was quite a departure from Thelwell. Never looked back.
Which book would you give someone you’re trying to impress?
Just Kids by Patti Smith because if they aren’t impressed by this book I am not impressed by them. I loved its raw honesty on love, friendship and all the complications in between. Rock on Patti.