For many men, middle age arrives too fast and without due warning. One day you are young, free and single; the next you are bald, fat and washed-up, with weird tendrils of hair growing out of your ears. With age should come dignity and respect, but instead comes tired jokes about buying a motorbike. Marcus Berkmann isn’t having it. Having marked his fiftieth birthday by hiding under the duvet for six weeks, he is determined to find some light in the all-consuming darkness. Go on, embrace the shed…
Marcus Berkmann is a journalist, contributing to a number of national newspapers and, has written a monthly music column for The Spectator since 1987. His humorous chronicles include the Last Man In, Rain Men and the critically acclaimed Zimmer Men. He has written comedy for the BBC and is credited as one of the writing team of the BBC Three comedy show Monkey Dust,and compiles the Dumb Britain column in Private Eye magazine. In 2005 he appeared on University Challenge as part of the Private Eye team.