Hatchet Jobs Tampa

Published on August 11th, 2013


Sarah Churchwell VS Tampa by Alissa Nutting

When Alissa Nutting found out her old classmate Debra LaFave had been arrested for sleeping with a teenage pupil, she did what any aspiring writer would do and turned the sorry tale into a salacious, paedo-lite beach read. Tampa is – predictably – being promoted as the nubile lovechild of Lolita and Notes on a ScandalSarah Churchwell, writing in the Guardian, put it bottom of the class:

“Lacking any other saving stylistic or satirical grace, the novel ends up as fixated on sex with children as its protagonist. In the end, I don’t want to be inside the mind of a sociopath; it proves the most unedifying place imaginable. If only you could always count on a paedophile for a fancy prose style, too.”

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